A partners’ meeting took place 25-28 March 2012 at WATCH Head Quarter in Rome within the framework of the WAR FREE WORLD HERITAGE LISTED CITIES. The meeting was attended by Mr. R. Chamoun and Ms N. Chanishvili, the Lebanese and the Georgian Local Coordinators respectively and Mr. C. Cimino, project Coordinator and Mr. E. Marocco, assistant project Coordinator. At the meeting took also part WATCH BoT member Mr. D. Adelfio.
Topics on the agenda were discussed and partners shared decisions about several actions to be immediately undertaken to secure a sound project implementation. Main decisions taken at the meeting included:
1. Information & communication activities foreseen include the Launch of a Public awareness campaign implying the:
- Preparation of a Public Awareness Promotion (PAP) kit and its contents, graphics, communication texts; and
- Organisation of public awareness events in order to secure the maximum dissemination of the project objectives and results achieved and mostly of the Hague Convention as well as the widest visibility of the project
2. Report Year 2 completion: focused mostly on the formulation of the report concerning component 2 of the project: Multidisciplinary Concept Studies.
3. Financial management especially to maximise the use of funds vis-a-vis project concrete results: technical analysis on expenditures reported in the Y2 Report (specific annex) taking into account the assessment made of the Y2 Financial Report.
4. Risk Preparedness Plans: The most important aim discussed regarding this activity has been to maximize the use of resources and details on plans already existing for both cities (e.g. reaction to: fire, natural calamities, floods, heath injuries, natural disasters such as tsunami, earthquakes, sea disasters, etc.).
5. Y3 Calendar: A calendar for a comprehensive framework of the activity to be realized respecting the established contractual deadlines of the project has been set up.