The INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERING CONFERENCE, European heritage in our hands, “Volunteering as mutual challenge and opportunity in civic society” took place from October 19th through 21st in Graz within the framework of the European Year of Volunteering 2011. The conference focused on the participation and responsibility of the voluntarily working civic society in general cultural events, in education and in the protection of cultural heritage, contributing to building bridges, master social challenges, doing inclusive development work and to raise the awareness for voluntary work as an added value in the European civic society.
WATCH, a no-profit international association, participated to the conference with a presentation by Dr. Emanuele Marocco, who is the assistant project coordinator within the WAR FREE WORLD HERITAGE LISTED SITES project.
In his presentation Dr. Marocco stressed the need of voluntary work for the safeguarding of cultural heritage in times of conflicts, highlighting the role and the mission of WATCH in this very peculiar contexts. Visibility was given to the project that raised interest and appreciation from the audience.
The project’s main objectives and expected results were shared with the audience and the specific problems addressed by the action were explained as well as the target groups and the final beneficiaries involved within this project which is co-financed by the European Commission within the framework of the ENPI CIUDAD programme.
Interest of the participants was confirmed during a discussion that took place by the end of the presentation when the importance of this project and its innovative approach where highlighted for the protection of cultural heritage in times of armed conflicts.